Tuesday, April 8, 2008

CARPENTERSVILLE, Ill. (AP) - An Illinois delegate for Democratic Sen. Barack Obama resigned after using the word "monkey" to describe black children playing in a tree, the Obama campaign said Tuesday.

Her exact words were:
"the tree is not there for them to be climbing in there like monkeys." The Carpentersville police issued her a violation for her "disorderly conduct." I am going to assume in Carpentersville it is disorderly to compare children climbing in trees to animals that also climb in trees... because the other assumption, that this is in some way racial, is the absolute most absurd thing I have ever heard. Hey, guess what, monkeys climb in trees! I know... earth-shattering!

Since when did Americans become so terrified of being labeled racist that they can't even use the word "monkey" around a black person?

I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest it was perhaps around the same time that a certain candidate decided to shove race into the national spotlight; suggesting that the United States has a HUGE race relations problem.

The United States is one of the (if not the MOST) racially equal nations on Earth. Rather than focusing on this "problem," (which seems to have created an even bigger problem) why don't we focus on the failing economy? Or the failing Iraq war? Or the national debt? Or medicare? Or Social security? Or immigration reform? Or health care? Or education?

I don't mean to suggest that racial inequality doesn't exist, or that it is not a problem. It certainly is, and deserves attention in this nation. However, think about the problems I listed above, race relations does not deserve more attention.


Anonymous said...

Keep watching and listening for clues on how this man Obama thinks. There is a difference between what he says he will do (to appease the voters) and what he will really do as president. And I think his positions as president would be radical left leberalism, seeking to right the "injustices" of his "people". That's a nobel goal, and a good goal for a president, but not the only goal. There are many problems needing resolution and programs to improve our lives. We cannot simply focus on any one group as I suspect Obama would do. He certainly hasn't said anything that would improve my situation or would resolve any problems that I consider to be significant!

In fact, over the years that I have observed Obama, I find him often over simplifying problems, presenting naive solutions (not having to accept responsibility for whether his proposals worked or not, that's easy to do). And as I interpret the statements he has recently made regarding "rural America", I gather that his "people" may not include a great number of rural Americans. If he disrespects them, then he cannot be including them in his "change" program.


Unknown said...

Keep watching and listening for clues on how this man Obama thinks. There is a difference between what he says he will do (to appease the voters) and what he will really do as president. And I think his positions as president would be radical left leberalism, seeking to right the "injustices" of his "people". That's a nobel goal, and a good goal for a president, but not the only goal. There are many problems needing resolution and programs to improve our lives. We cannot simply focus on any one group as I suspect Obama would do. He certainly hasn't said anything that would improve my situation or would resolve any problems that I consider to be significant!

In fact, over the years that I have observed Obama, I find him often over simplifying problems, presenting naive solutions (not having to accept responsibility for whether his proposals worked or not, that's easy to do). And as I interpret the statements he has recently made regarding "rural America", I gather that his "people" may not include a great number of rural Americans. If he disrespects them, then he cannot be including them in his "change" program.

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